Success Story

Digital transformation frees up expensive office space for New York City Housing Authority

Image API takes NYCHA digital, reducing storage costs and improving access to documents

With case files spread across separate office locations in the five boroughs, employees of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) were having trouble locating case files, which were taking up an increasing amount of space. The paper files were susceptible to loss and damage, and paper case files made it difficult for staff to process the paperwork required to provide services.

Image API provided imaging services to digitize and organize over 1.4 million documents for NYCHA.  Image API securely transported thousands of case files to an offsite imaging facility, during which the status and location of each file could be monitored via file tracking software.

Image API digitized and organized over 1.4 million documents for NYCHA.

The digital case files were integrated with NYCHA’s new CRM system, the Director of IT Process Management, Irene Shapiro, was very pleased with the outcome:  “Image API was instrumental in helping NYCHA go paperless and creating electronic case files which could easily be accessed in our new CRM solution.”

The value delivered for NYCHA?

Digitizing case files freed up thousands of square feet of expensive office space and helped with office space planning, drastically increased productivity by eliminating time spent searching for files, and improved quality of services to NYCHA clients.

Project Summary


  • Difficult to access files, files were often lost or damaged
  • File storage taking up increasing square footage in expensive office space
  • Paper record processing slowed down delivery of services


  • Transport and digitize over 1.4 million paper case files off-site


  • Restored valuable office space
  • Improved effectiveness of service delivery by improving access to case files

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